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Financial Management Information

The Booster Team/Group is made up of an individual team’s parent representatives and supporters.  Working closely with the team coaches, parent representatives in the booster group execute and manage the fund-raising, assemble the athletes to participate, and, most importantly, determine how the money in the booster is spent to benefit the athletes on the individual sports team.


Each team has a bank balance separate from the primary PAA general fund. These individual team accounts directly support the athletes on that team and parent involvement ensures that these funds get spent in the most efficient and beneficial way possible.  It is important to have a solid showing of parents from all teams to be active members. If not, major decisions, both financial and otherwise, are made with limited representation.  Team finances and booster fund balances are updated and distributed at the PAA meetings, or available upon request.


It is sometimes necessary for booster teams to fundraise to supplement and grow the funds in their booster account.  The PAA helps manage and oversee individual team sport team fundraising activities.  Proceeds from team fundraising are kept separate from PAA General Fund and are held in the individual Sports Team Booster Account. Together with the PAA, the parent representatives, booster group members, and coaches determine student and team needs and decide on how funds are spent.

All fundraisers need to be presented to students and/or families as optional participation; no student/family is required to participate in team booster fundraising. 

For any fundraisers involving students of a sports team, the student-athlete, parent representative, captain parent, and/or coach need to get prior approval from the Superintendent before starting any fundraiser.  

Please complete the District’s Fundraising Request form and submit to the Superintendent’s office.  The PAA is happy to  help coordinate the request with the District’s Office.  Upon completion of the fundraiser, it is the responsibility of the parent representative to complete a deposit form and make arrangement with the PAA Treasurer to ensure that all proceeds from the fundraiser are recorded and deposited into the booster account within 5 days.   Please – no fundraising proceeds should be deposited into anyone's personal bank account and then a check written to the PAA.   Every effort will be made to collect proceeds in a timely fashion (ie. cash from a bake sale) from the booster group/PAA treasurer. 

Fundraising request form:  PRSD Student and Staff Fundraising Request Form


It is important for booster groups and sport team parent representatives to know what is in their booster account before making a purchase.  It is equally important to not over spend what is in the account and leave the balance too low when the season ends.

The PAA is not authorized to reallocate or spend any of the booster funds -  it is the individual sport teams funds and is the PAA manages the funds in a 501(c) 3 account under a separate line item.


  • It is the responsibility of the booster group to discuss/vote on all spending of funds in the booster account.   If a favorable vote is reached the sports representative shall contact and completed the appropriate forms in order for the PAA Treasurer to distribute funds.

  • If funding is not available in the individual booster account and/or if assistance is needed with funding, then the Sports Representative shall request to be on the agenda at a PAA meeting.  At the PAA meeting, the PAA members in attendance will then discuss and vote on the request and release funds from the PAA general account to the individual sport booster account.  If additional information is needed, the PAA can decide to vote on the gift request at a subsequent meeting.

  • Please note that money in the booster accounts can not be used to pay or compensate for a head, assistant or volunteer coaches.   If a gift card is to be purchased as a token of appreciation,the amount should not exceed $500 per person receiving the gift card.



  • If a parent or coach need funds for a team purchase, the PAA can issue a check payable to the vendor or as reimbursement to the PAA rep who made the purchase.

  • A Check Request form is available on-line under the Downloads folder. Please submit the form with receipts and the form should be signed by two team parents (from different households) or one parent and the coach. The forms and documentation can be emailed to the PAA or mailed to the PO Box.

  • Please note that checks requests take approximately one week to be processed and mailed.


PAA Check Request Form




  • Deposits are to be collected and tallied by each Booster Group before handing off to the PAA Treasurer.

  • Deposits must have detailed cover sheets with contact information, total amounts to be deposited and for which Booster group, and how the deposit is to be categorized (i.e.: Football boosters, profits from blanket fundraiser, or Football boosters, money collected for team shirts.) Please request that all checks be made payable to PAA. In the event a check is returned for insufficient funds, it is the Booster Group responsibility to reach out to the individual and collect payment along with the fees associated with insufficient funds.

PAA Deposit Slip


Learn about becoming a Team Representative for your Booster Group here.


Banquet Planning Tips

The end of the season team banquets have been a tradition at Pentucket for many years.

Here is a list of some things to do and/or consider when planning a banquet:

  • Book a date, time, and the venue for the banquet.  When selecting a date/time, it is important to plan and clear the date/time with the Varsity coach and the high school administration for use of the cafe.   Visit the main office and fill out a Facility form.

  • It is important to keep in mind the type of banquet you are considering, what it will cost and what is available in the team booster account. Usually having the banquet in the high school cafeteria and having a pot luck style banquet is most cost effective.

  • Obtain an email roster from the coaches.  All players on Varsity, Junior Varsity, and freshman should be included in the banquet.  The Sign-up Genius application is often used to communicate information and facilitates food sign-ups for the banquet.

  • A tech request form must be filled out for a microphone, speakers and podium and submitted on-line. This form can be found on the PRSD web-site.

  • Invitations to the banquet should be send out at least two weeks in advance to the Superintendent, Principal, Athletic Director, Trainer, and Coaches.

  • It is nice to have some balloons, tablecloths, and decorations for the HS café.

  • Slideshows capturing the season are usually put together and shown at the banquet.

  • Some teams have a banquet program printed.  This typically includes a list of all players and schedule for the evening.

  • A Master/Mistress of Ceremonies should be selected (parent or friend of the team) that will help facilitate the evening.

  • When it is time to eat, the order is typically:  Head table, Varsity, JV, Frosh, Parents, and guests.

  • Thank you gifts are often presented to coaches and donations are collected from parents/players ahead of time.

  • The graduating seniors usually receive a special gift to thank them for their commitment to the sport and team over the years.  This is typically paid out from the individual sport team booster account.  The purchase of these is usually coordinated by a booster team parent rep and/or captain parent.  It is always a nice gesture to ask an active PAA member present the gifts to the senior students.


The Day of the Banquet:

  • Set up is the responsibility of the parents (tables, chairs, balloons, etc.).  It is good to arrange athletes to meet after school on the day of the banquet to help set up the tables & chairs with adult supervision

  • Clean up: The cafeteria should be returned to its prior condition. All team athletes should help with the cleaning of the cafeteria.


Booster Team Parent Representative/Captain Parents role: 


  • Help facilitate communication between coaches, athletes, parents, and the Athletic Director.

  • Serve as the liaison between the booster group or coach and the PAA.  Typically this is a captain parent(s).

  • Keep informed about events and fundraising activities, communicate with the PAA about any fundraising plans. 

  • There should be at least one parent representative from each sport “Booster” group that represents the interests of that group

  • Help organize and plan end of season banquets

  • Attend PAA seasonal meetings, or designate a backup.



Senior Day/Night Best Practices 


  • Senior day or senior night (depending on the time the game is held) is usually held on the team’s last regular season home game of the season.  

  • It’s a great opportunity for the coaches and underclassmen players to recognize and thank the senior players and their parents. 

  • Captain parents and/or a parent rep will discuss the planning of this with the varsity coach to secure a date and time.  The celebration of senior day/night is either held before the game, during 1/2 time, or after the game.  

  • Captains parents or a parent rep from the team usually take care of balloons/decorations, posters with photos of senior players, flowers for senior players, and sometimes even food items such as pizza, cake, and drinks are part of the celebration.

  • Expenses can be submitted for reimbursement from the sports team booster account, being mindful of balance in account and other expenses for the season.  


Please consider volunteering!  The PAA has accomplished much over the last few years, but we always need new members !


Some ways to get involved:

  • Come to a PAA meeting!  You’ll connect with other parents, meet new parents, hear from the Athletic Director, and  learn about what’s happening for our student athletes.  

  • Volunteer at PAA fundraisers, road races, concession stands, etc. 

  • Help with PAA Spring fundraiser:  silent auction, sell tickets, decorate, check-in, attend! 

  • Become a Proud parent sponsor 

  • Become a Parent Sports Team Representative; coordinate fundraisers, host “pasta” parties, etc.

Some people prefer to donate money to an organization.   Donations are always welcome.  

Thank you!


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Bradford Orthodontics - Dulverton Homes, Inc - Haverhill Bank  - Institution for Savings - Journeay Insurance Agency - Nunan's Florist and Greenhouses - Pavlo Orthodontics - Watts Eye Associates -West Newbury Pizza Company Hastings Floor Company - R & D Site Development - Tea Garden Restaurant - Warm Rain Creations

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