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It is sometimes necessary for booster teams to fundraise to supplement and grow the funds in their booster account.  The PAA helps manage and oversee individual team sport team fundraising activities.  Proceeds from team fundraising are kept separate from PAA General Fund and are held in the individual Sports Team Booster Account. Together with the PAA, the parent representatives, booster group members, and coaches determine student and team needs and decide on how funds are spent.


All fundraisers need to be presented to students and/or families as optional participation; no student/family is required to participate in team booster fundraising. 


For any fundraisers involving students of a sports team, the student-athlete, parent representative, captain parent, and/or coach need to get prior approval from the Superintendent before starting any fundraiser.  


Please complete the District’s Fundraising Request form and submit it to the Superintendent’s office.  The PAA is happy to  help coordinate the request with the District’s Office.  Upon completion of the fundraiser, it is the responsibility of the parent representative to complete a deposit form and make arrangements with the PAA Treasurer to ensure that all proceeds from the fundraiser are recorded and deposited into the booster account within 5 days.   


No fundraising proceeds should be deposited into anyones personal bank account and then a check written to the PAA.   Every effort will be made to collect proceeds in a timely fashion (ie. cash from a bake sale) from the booster group/PAA treasurer. 


Fundraising request form:  PRSD Student and Staff Fundraising Request Form






Stay tuned for information for 2024/2025 fundraisers!




        This website was possible thanks to our generous gold sponsors

Thank you to our Business Sponsors!

Bradford Orthodontics - Dulverton Homes, Inc - Haverhill Bank  - Institution for Savings - Journeay Insurance Agency - Nunan's Florist and Greenhouses - Pavlo Orthodontics - Watts Eye Associates -West Newbury Pizza Company Hastings Floor Company - R & D Site Development - Tea Garden Restaurant - Warm Rain Creations

© 2022-24 by Warm Rain Crreations.

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